Belt and Road Entrepreneurs Conference talks about future prosperity
Seetao 2023-10-19 15:45
  • The Belt and Road Initiative will achieve more fruitful results with the active participation of more countries and regions
  • Entrepreneurs from all over the world have gathered under this great initiative to jointly explore new areas of cooperation and expand mutually beneficial and win-win business opportunities.
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The Belt and Road Entrepreneurs Conference concluded successfully in Beijing on October 17, 2023. This event attracted more than 1,200 well-known entrepreneurs, experts and scholars from home and abroad to gather together to discuss the future development of the Belt and Road Initiative. At the conference site, Chinese and foreign representatives actively interacted with each other and the atmosphere was warm. Global entrepreneurs were full of confidence in the prospects of the Belt and Road Initiative.

During the conference, the reporter interviewed several participating international entrepreneurs. Their views and expectations undoubtedly added a more international perspective to the conference. Yves Bet, a well-known entrepreneur from France, said that the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative has provided huge development opportunities for countries and regions along the Belt and Road. His company plans to increase investment in countries along the Belt and Road in the next few years and jointly promote Economic prosperity and development.

At the same time, Samir Khan, an entrepreneur from India, said in an interview that the Belt and Road Initiative has provided a strong impetus for the development of countries around the world, and India, as one of the countries along the route, looks forward to strengthening cooperation with China to jointly promote the Belt and Road Initiative. Further expansion of construction along the way. He admitted that Indian entrepreneurs have a very positive attitude towards participating in Belt and Road cooperation and hope to gain more business opportunities and development space under this initiative in the future.

In addition, entrepreneurs from Russia, Italy and other countries have expressed their high recognition and expectations for the Belt and Road Initiative. They agreed that the Belt and Road Initiative has created unprecedented opportunities for economic cooperation and exchanges among countries and regions along the route, and this Entrepreneurs Conference has laid a solid foundation for promoting pragmatic cooperation among all parties. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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