China Arab Youth Development Forum held in Haikou
Seetao 2023-12-02 11:10
  • This forum will help promote China Arab youth in economic and trade cooperation, food security, and technological innovation
  • This forum also promotes a deeper understanding of China's high-level practice of opening up to the outside world among young people in the Arab region
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On November 30, 2023, Haikou held the China Arab Youth Development Forum with the theme of "Strengthening the China Arab Youth Partnership and Promoting the Construction of an Open World Economy". Xu Xiao, Chairman of the All China Youth Federation, and Miao Yanhong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, attended and delivered speeches. Assistant Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Haifa Abu Ghazale, and Egyptian Minister of Youth and Sports, Ashraf Sabi, delivered video speeches. In addition, more than 200 people, including Ambassador Li Chen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the China Arab Cooperation Forum, ambassadors and diplomats from 22 Arab countries in China, and youth representatives from various fields of China and Arab countries, attended the forum.

Xu Xiao stated that development is the "golden key" to solving current global problems. Only with the prosperity and development of all countries can peace be lasting and civilization progress. I hope that young people from China and Arab countries can work together to maintain an open and cooperative world pattern and overcome the complex challenges of global development. The All China Youth Federation is willing to strengthen cooperation with the Afghan side, jointly advocate for youth priority development, jointly build youth partnerships, and jointly promote youth innovation actions.

Haifa Abu Ghazale stated that youth is an important engine for long-term peace and sustainable development, a driving force for China Arab cooperation, and the future of China Arab friendship. I hope that the China Arab Youth Development Forum can provide a platform for experience exchange in youth cooperation, empowering young people to play a greater role in promoting the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and implementing global development initiatives.

Miao Yanhong said that the purpose of this forum is to promote the deepening and implementation of the "eight common actions" of China Arab practical cooperation, and to gather strong joint forces for high-quality joint construction of the the Belt and Road. Hainan will continue to deepen its economic and trade cooperation with Arab countries, and promote historic breakthroughs in the breadth and depth of China Arab exchanges. It is hoped that the Chinese and Arab youth will strengthen the partnership, jointly inherit the good generational friendship, and strive to become the main force of national construction and the future development of China and Arab countries.

Ashraf Sabi stated that this forum has built a bridge for the China Arab Youth Partnership, upholds the spirit of China Arab friendship, and is a model of China Arab Youth Cooperation. The forum will promote the exchange of experiences in the field of youth policies, provide suggestions and suggestions for youth priority development, and contribute to the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and global development initiatives.

Luo Yuze, Abdulharim Benbada, Huang Guowei, Dia Abdulrahim Khalif, Tami Kamir, and Almohanad Fayez Maki, among others, delivered keynote speeches at the forum.

At the forum, Chinese and Arab youth representatives conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the two topics of "food security and production" and "technology innovation driven green development". The attending youth representatives reached a consensus that the China Arab Youth Development Forum has built a platform for communication and cooperation among China Arab youth, which will help promote concrete and practical cooperation between China Arab youth in areas such as economic and trade cooperation, food security, scientific and technological innovation, and green development. This forum further deepened the understanding of young people in the Arab region towards Hainan Free Trade Port and China's high-level practice of opening up to the outside world.

During the meeting, Hainan Free Trade Zone Global Trade Window Management Co., Ltd., Hainan Youth Entrepreneurs Association, and Hainan Jile Logistics Network Technology Co., Ltd. signed cooperation agreements with foreign partners. Key words: the Belt and Road, the Belt and Road project, overseas project.

This forum has been included in one of the "Eight Common Actions" of China Arab pragmatic cooperation, co hosted by the All China Youth Federation and the People's Government of Hainan Province, and supported by the Hainan Youth Federation and Hainan University. During their stay in Hainan, Chinese and Arab youth will also conduct on-site inspections of relevant enterprises in Hainan Free Trade Port, Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, and Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park to deepen their understanding of Hainan's opening-up policies, technological innovation, and ecological governance. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao, www.seetao. com. Reproduction is not allowed without permission, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate Jiandao website and the original link when reprinting.) Jiandao website's mechanical column editor/Zhou Yingwen


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