Inner Mongolia's energy investment in 2024 will exceed 336 billion yuan
Seetao 2024-02-26 11:33
  • The construction of strategic resource bases was accelerated, and new progress and achievements were made in energy work
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In recent years, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to cast a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, focusing on two major issues, anchor the "break new road, into the middle stream" goal, go all out to do a good job in the modern energy economy, accelerate the construction of national important energy and strategic resource base, energy work has made new progress and new achievements.

Energy work in Inner Mongolia in 2023 has achieved remarkable results

 Shortly after this, The State Council issued the Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development in Inner Mongolia and Striving to Write a New Chapter of Chinese-Style Modernization, proposing a series of major policies to support high-quality energy development in Inner Mongolia, each of which is full of dry goods and full of gold, which makes us deeply encouraged and excited.

We keep in mind the entrusting, grateful to forge ahead, closely focused on the strategic positioning of building an important national energy and strategic resource base, with the strong support and help of the National Energy Administration, do our best to stabilize energy production and ensure energy supply, tightly grasp the fast dry to promote the development of new energy, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the traditional energy industry, and run out of the energy development "acceleration". Achieved the "ten national first" (total installed capacity of new energy, new installed capacity, generating capacity, total installed capacity of electric power, new installed capacity, generating capacity, exported electricity, coal export traffic, coal guaranteed supply tasks, etc.) Coal-to-gas production capacity) and made "three breakthroughs" (investment in major energy projects and new energy equipment manufacturing projects exceeded 300 billion yuan, the total installed capacity of new energy exceeded 90 million kilowatts, and the total installed capacity of electric power exceeded 200 million kilowatts).

First, we will do our utmost to ensure national energy security. We will resolutely serve the overall interests of the country and do our utmost to ensure stable energy production and supply. By 2023, coal output will be 1.22 billion tons, an increase of 0.7%. 756.6 billion KWH of electricity generation, up 16%; Crude oil production of 2.9 million tons, up 17%; Natural gas output was 31 billion cubic meters, up 0.8%. The company completed 945 million tons of medium - and long-term contracts for national power coal, accounting for 36% of the total national tasks, exported 720 million tons of coal, and exported 306.5 billion KWH of electricity, leading the country for many years.

The second is to firmly grasp the fast dry and promote the leapfrog development of new energy. Vigorously promote the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases and new energy projects, introduced the "new energy doubling action implementation Plan" and "photovoltaic sand control Action implementation Plan" and other policies, new energy construction speed and intensity are unprecedented, 2023 new energy projects to complete investment of nearly 170 billion yuan, an increase of 33%; The new installed capacity exceeded 31 million kilowatts, the increase reached a record high. The total installed capacity of new energy reached 93.23 million kW, accounting for 43% of the total installed capacity of electric power. New energy generation reached 166.5 billion KWH, an increase of 25%, accounting for 22% of the total power generation.

Third, promote the development of the equipment manufacturing industry in a coordinated manner. Adhere to the focus on new energy development and new energy equipment manufacturing, vigorously promote the construction of Hubao Otong new energy equipment manufacturing base, and complete the investment of new energy equipment manufacturing projects in 2023 more than 75 billion yuan, an increase of 1.2 times year-on-year. Wind power integration supporting capacity, photovoltaic module supply capacity, hydrogen production equipment production capacity, energy storage equipment production capacity reached 5 million kilowatts, 30 million kilowatts, 450 sets, 1 million KWH.

Fourth, vigorously develop the green hydrogen industry. Accelerate the layout and construction of hydrogen energy projects, and have approved the implementation of 33 landscape integrated hydrogen production projects, the scale of green hydrogen 680,000 tons/year, becoming the main construction area of national landscape hydrogen production demonstration projects. The country's first 10,000-ton photovoltaic hydrogen production demonstration project was put into operation in Junge Banner, Huadian Damao Wind hydrogen production integration project was completed and put into operation, and the world's first solid low-pressure hydrogen storage production line, and the transmission pipeline of Ulanqab green electricity hydrogen production project was included in the implementation plan of "National one network" construction of oil and gas.

Fifth, we will accelerate the transition to green and low-carbon energy. We have actively promoted green mining technologies such as filling mining and water conservation mining, and promoted the "three reforms" of coal and electricity. We have completed a total of 16 million kilowatts of energy-saving and carbon reduction, 20 million kilowatts of flexible transformation, and more than 5 million kilowatts of heating transformation, and the standard coal consumption of coal and electricity supply has dropped to about 300 grams/KWH. Promote green electricity replacement, encourage and support enterprises to use green electricity. Vigorously promote the "photovoltaic + ecological governance" model, has built 5.2 million kilowatts of photovoltaic sand control capacity, and completed the sand control area of 180,000 mu. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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