Kazakhstan has included nuclear power construction in its energy plan
Seetao 2024-02-27 16:37
  • According to the action plan, Kazakhstan plans to build and repair power plants with a total capacity of 26,500 MW over the next decade
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Kazakhstan's Ministry of Energy has recently officially approved an action plan for the development of the energy sector up to 2035, aimed at ensuring energy security and sustainable development of the country. This ambitious plan focuses not only on current energy needs, but also on future energy transformation and environmental protection.

According to the action plan, Kazakhstan plans to build and repair power plants with a total capacity of 26,500 MW over the next decade. This figure is equivalent to the capacity of 21 Toktogul HPP (Toktogul hydropower Station), showing the determination and intensity of Kazakhstan in expanding its electricity production capacity. These new power plants will use advanced energy technologies to ensure efficient, clean and safe power generation, providing stable power support for the country's economic development.

In addition to the construction of new power plants, the action plan envisages the construction of 2,400 megawatts of nuclear power plants. However, the decision was not taken lightly. The Government of Kazakhstan has decided to hold a nationwide referendum to give every citizen the opportunity to participate in this important decision process. This reflects the Kazakh government's commitment to democracy and transparency, as well as its thoughtful consideration of the possible environmental and safety impacts of nuclear power plant construction.

In the near future, Kazakhstan is expected to sign investment agreements with international investors to provide the necessary financing for this huge nuclear power plant project. This will inject new vitality into Kazakhstan's energy sector and contribute to sustained economic growth.

The specific location of the nuclear power plant was chosen in the village of Urken near Lake Balkhash. The area is geologically stable and sparsely populated, making it ideal for building nuclear power plants. At the same time, Lake Balkhash, as one of Kazakhstan's important water sources, will also benefit from the construction of the nuclear power plant. The nuclear power plant will provide a stable power supply to the region and promote local economic and social development. Editor/Xu Shengpeng

Overall, Kazakhstan's action plan for the development of the energy sector is a far-sighted decision. It will not only meet the country's growing energy needs, but also promote energy transition and environmental protection, laying a solid foundation for Kazakhstan's future development. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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