Anhui Province plans to implement 1,427 key projects this year
Seetao 2024-03-06 14:08
  • There were 315 infrastructure projects, with an annual planned investment of 277.71 billion yuan, accounting for 42.4%
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How many key projects are there in Anhui this year? What's new? The reporter learned from the provincial Development and Reform Commission that recently, the provincial government issued and implemented the "Anhui Province 2024 Key Project List", and planned to implement 1427 provincial key projects in 2024, with an annual planned investment of 65.537 billion yuan. Compared with previous years, the number of items on this year's list has been significantly simplified, the focus is more prominent, the combination with industry is tighter, and the factor resources are more concentrated.

The focus on high-quality projects, especially those in emerging industries, is a prominent feature of this year's list of key projects. In the 2024 list, there are 191 projects worth more than 5 billion yuan, with an annual planned investment of 294.7 billion yuan, accounting for 44.9%; Among them, 55 projects are above 10 billion yuan, with an annual planned investment of 144.23 billion yuan, accounting for 22%. In addition, there are a number of projects with good growth, and 73 specialized and special new enterprise investment projects in the province, with an annual planned investment of 28.32 billion yuan. Among the industrial projects, 689 projects were invested in emerging industries, accounting for 48.3%, and the annual planned investment was 29014 billion yuan, accounting for 44.3%. Among them, there are 65 new energy vehicle projects, with an annual planned investment of 48.48 billion yuan, accounting for 16.7% of emerging industries; There were 72 advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage projects, with an annual planned investment of 64.14 billion yuan, accounting for 22.1% of emerging industries.

In addition, many key projects this year also focus on infrastructure and people's livelihood. Among them, 315 infrastructure projects, with an annual planned investment of 277.71 billion yuan, accounting for 42.4%; 166 transportation projects, with an annual planned investment of 145.06 billion yuan; 50 energy projects with an annual planned investment of 65.3 billion yuan; 45 water conservancy projects, with an annual planned investment of 39.19 billion yuan; 54 projects to enhance the vitality of urban functional quality, with an annual planned investment of 28.62 billion yuan; An annual investment of 54.41 billion yuan was planned for 300 projects in social and people's livelihood fields.

This year, our province will rely on the "effective investment e-service" online scheduling system to establish and roll update the project reserve pool of more than 100 million yuan, forming a good pattern of "completion of a batch, a batch of construction, and a batch of reserve" echelon.

The person in charge of the key construction project office of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission said that the key projects are an important carrier for the implementation of the national major strategy, the "ballast stone" for the expansion of effective investment, the "power source" for the development of new quality productivity, and the provincial key projects are "top priority". The next step will gather strength to improve efficiency, strong efficiency and heavy effect, adhere to the "online + offline" linkage, give full play to the role of the "effective investment e-service" online scheduling platform, normalize major project elements to ensure offline centralized consultation, promote special financing needs docking by topic and field, and strive to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of financing docking. Help key projects start, build, complete and reach production as early as possible. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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