180 key transportation projects in Anhui Province "open door financing"
Seetao 2024-03-07 11:42
  • In the first three years of the 14th Five-Year Plan, a total of 387.8 billion yuan was invested in fixed assets in transport
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On February 29, Anhui Provincial transport "double recruitment and double introduction" and government, bank and enterprise matchmaking meeting was held in Hefei, promoting a total of 180 projects with a total investment of 549.1 billion yuan and a total financing demand of 395.9 billion yuan, of which 83.2 billion yuan is needed in 2024.

Transportation is one of the key areas of infrastructure construction, and the financing demand is huge, which provides a broader space for social and financial capital to participate in the construction of transportation infrastructure in our province. Our province has focused on accelerating the construction of a strong transportation province, upgrading the level of comprehensive transportation development, and planning a large number of basic, strategic and overall major projects. From 2023 to 2027, nearly 400 key transportation projects will be promoted, with planned investment of more than 700 billion yuan. Among them, the investment plan in 2024 is more than 130 billion yuan.

In recent years, Anhui has firmly grasped the major strategic opportunities such as the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of a powerful transportation country, accelerated the construction of a modern comprehensive transportation system, continued to build major projects, and maintained a high level of fixed asset investment. In the first three years of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the province completed a total of 387.8 billion yuan in fixed assets investment in transportation, accounting for 77.6% of the "14th Five-Year Plan" plan, with an average annual growth of 27.9%. Among them, the investment of 154.84 billion yuan will be completed in 2023, reaching a new record high, a number of major projects with external communication and smooth operation will be completed, and the transportation location advantage will be increasingly enhanced.

"At present and in the coming period, accelerating the construction of major projects and continuously expanding effective investment are still the top priorities for the high-quality development of transportation in our province." Nie Aiguo, secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Provincial Transportation Department, said that the province will take the initiative to improve the long-term mechanism of government-bank-enterprise cooperation, strengthen the docking of government-bank-enterprise, strive to create a first-class business environment, attract the majority of transportation investment enterprises and financial institutions in Anhui deeply participate in the development of Anhui transportation, and promote the success of more transportation project cooperation and implementation. Transform the transportation blueprint into a beautiful reality map as soon as possible. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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