NDRC report clear 2024 power development task!
Seetao 2024-03-10 10:37
  • It is necessary to accelerate the construction and integrated development of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases
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On March 5, the National Development and Reform Commission submitted to the second session of the 14th National People's Congress to review the Report on the implementation of the 2023 National Economic and Social Development Plan and the draft of the 2024 National Economic and Social Development Plan, outlining the overall requirements, main goals, policy orientation and ten major tasks for social development in 2024.

Among them, Task 7 "Further promote the construction of ecological civilization and green low-carbon development, Accelerate the construction of beautiful China" and Task 9 "Strengthen security capacity building in key areas, and effectively safeguard economic security" give guidance to the development direction of new energy in 2024 and key areas of promotion.

According to the draft, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases and the integrated development and construction of water and scenery in major river basins, promote the implementation of ultra-high voltage power transmission projects such as Mengxi-Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Datong-Tianjin South, accelerate the construction of clean energy bases and power delivery channels in the western region, and accelerate the construction of supporting regulatory power sources and transmission channels such as coal power. We will continue to regulate and supervise the prices of energy and resources.

In contrast, the draft of the 2023 National Economic and Social Development Plan requires active promotion of the construction of the second batch of scenery bases, orderly promotion of the third batch of approved construction, and 2024 is further clear to accelerate the construction of large-scale scenery bases.

In fact, since the first batch of scenery large base was issued at the end of 2021, the scale of the three batches of scenery large base has exceeded 200GW; However, according to the latest data from the National Energy Administration at the end of November 2023, the first batch of wind and large base grid-connected scale is about 45GW, and the overall grid-connected rate is less than 1/4, and the wind and large base grid-connected that has been approved in 2024 will become the focus of this year.

In addition, the National Development and Reform Commission also clearly proposed in the document to accelerate the development and construction of the integrated base of water and scenery basin. According to the preliminary statistics of the General Institute of Hydropower Planning and Design, there are more than 30 river basins (river reaches) in China with a technical development capacity of more than 2 million kilowatts, and the total technical development capacity is about 500 million kilowatts. Since last year, China has started the demonstration and construction of integrated bases along the Yalong River basin, the Jinsha River Basin and the Dadu River Basin. In 2024, the development of the integrated base of the water landscape basin will also become the focus of the industry.

In order to support the rapid advancement of new energy, the construction of UHV channels has also accelerated. In 2022, the National Energy Administration launched 12 UHV channels supporting water scenery and regulating power supply for research and demonstration. At present, the State Grid has four UHV DC projects under construction in Longdong - Shandong, Ningxia - Hunan, Hami - Chongqing, Jinshang-Hubei. Four UHV supporting a total of over 145GW large base projects, respectively led by Huaneng, Huadian, National Energy Group, State Investment Group, etc. Recently, four UHV channels have been resumed in succession, which will further improve the transmission proportion of UHV green electricity in China.

Mengxi - Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Datong - Tianjin South two UHV completed in October last year, the current projects have launched a series of tenders such as pre-service, site planning, land pre-examination, supporting projects, and the actual supporting new energy project indicators are the focus of attention this year.

In addition, for the development of new energy, coal power and new energy joint venture is becoming one of the key directions. The 2023 draft of the national economy has proposed to strengthen the construction of reliable power supplies such as coal power, and further promote the two joint operations of coal power and renewable energy, while this year's draft of the national economy requires accelerating the construction of supportive regulatory power supplies and transmission channels such as coal power.

In fact, coal power as a supporting regulatory power supply is gradually becoming one of the trends in the development of new energy in various provinces, and new energy indicators are also constantly tilted. In recent years, Anhui, Jiangxi, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Hubei, Henan, etc., have gradually given new energy indicators for coal and power peak adjustment, such as Shanxi has successively issued more than 6GW of new energy indicators for coal and power peak adjustment, Jiangxi has cancelled the competitive optimization of new energy indicators, and timely launched the coal-power joint optimization, coal and power peak adjustment and new energy matching will be more closely.

In addition, the document also proposed to actively promote carbon peak carbon neutrality, solidly carry out the "ten actions to achieve carbon peak", formulate energy saving and carbon reduction programs, improve carbon pricing programs and so on. (This article from see road official website without permission must not be reproduced, reproduced please indicate see road network + original link) See road network strategic column editor/Xu Shengpeng


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