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Two 750 kV power transmission and transformation projects in Gansu approved
Seetao 2023-03-08 09:21
  • Jiuquan Jinta 750 kV power transmission and transformation project invested 1.26 billion yuan
  • The total investment of Yumen 750 kV power transmission and transformation project is 1.68 billion yuan
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Recently, Gansu Jiuquan Jinta 750kV Power Transmission and Transformation Project and Gansu Jiuquan Yumen 750kV Power Transmission and Transformation Project invested by State Grid Gansu Provincial Electric Power Company have obtained approval from the Gansu Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and successfully obtained the preliminary design for the next step Approval, handling land use procedures and construction permit procedures, and promoting the construction of the project have laid a solid foundation.

At present, the Jinta 750 kV power transmission and transformation project and the Yumen 750 kV power transmission and transformation project are simultaneously processing the environmental impact assessment report approval and the water and soil conservation plan report approval. Relevant approval documents such as land use pre-examination opinion, social stability risk assessment filing form, geological disaster assessment report, and overburden mineral investigation opinion.

Two 750 kV power transmission and transformation projects

It is understood that the construction site of Jinta 750 kV power transmission and transformation project is in Suzhou District and Jinta County of Jiuquan City. The project aims to meet the needs of new energy development in the Jinta area, optimize the regional grid, improve the reliability of power supply, and create conditions for the connection of the second DC project in Jiuquan. A new Jinta 750 kV substation for the Jinta 750 kV power transmission and transformation project, and two Jiuquan-Jinta 750 kV line projects. The Jinta 750 kV power transmission and transformation project is one of the key projects identified in the "National 14th Five-Year Electric Power Development Plan". It is invested and constructed by the State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company with a planned investment of 1.26 billion yuan. A new 750 kV substation, 3 main transformers, with a total capacity of 6.3 million kVA, 10 outlets for 750 kV and 20 outlets for 330 kV. The project is expected to start construction in the first half of 2023 and be completed and put into operation in 2024.

The construction site of Yumen 750 kV power transmission and transformation project is in Suzhou District, Jiuquan City, Jinta County and Yumen City. The project aims to meet the needs of new energy development in Jiuquan area, optimize the regional grid, and improve the reliability of power supply. Yumen 750 kV power transmission project A new Yumen 750 kV substation was built, and the Jinta-Yumen 750 kV line project was completed twice. The 750 kV power transmission and transformation project in Yumen, Jiuquan, Gansu is a key transmission project during the 14th Five-Year Plan proposed by Gansu Electric Power Planning. This project is of great significance for promoting the development of large-scale energy bases in Gansu and ensuring the transmission and consumption of new energy in Yumen area. Combined with the development planning of new energy, new energy in Yumen area is developing rapidly, and the connection of the project after completion puts forward higher requirements for the regional power grid. It can meet the needs of optimizing regional grid structures and improve the power transmission capacity of Jiuquan Power Grid. The main construction scale is to build 2 new main transformers with a capacity of 2×2.1 million kVA, 2 intervals for 750 kV outlets, 6 intervals for 330 kV outlets, 252 kilometers of new 750 kV lines, and 15.8782 hectares of newly requisitioned land. With an investment of 1.68 billion yuan, it is expected to start construction in April 2023 and start production in December 2024.

According to reports, after the completion of the 750 kV power transmission and transformation project in Jinta and the 750 kV power transmission and transformation project in Yumen, the reliability of regional power supply will be greatly improved, the demand for new energy transmission in Jiajiu region will be met during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the regional grid structure will be optimized, and the power grid will be improved. Power supply reliability, further strengthening the 750 kV grid structure, providing strong support for the adjustment and optimization of the 330 kV power grid in the region, is of great significance to promoting the sustainable development of the local economy and society. Editor/He Yuting


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