Fujian Fuzhou Port two berth capacity expansion project started construction
Seetao 2023-03-09 17:58
  • The total investment of the No. 6 and No. 7 berths in Jiangyin Port Area of Fuzhou Port is about 1.96 billion yuan
  • The capacity expansion project will be upgraded from the original 50,000 tons to 200,000 tons
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On March 8, 2023, the opening ceremony of the No. 6 and No. 7 berth expansion project and automated terminal project in Jiangyin Port Area of Fuzhou Port was held in Jiangyin Port Area. This project is the first 200,000-ton container berth project in Fuzhou Port, which marks that Fuzhou Port has officially entered a new era of automation, intelligence, and information development, and helps Fuzhou build a port-type national logistics hub.

Berth No. 6 and No. 7 in Jiangyin Port Area

The No. 6 and No. 7 berth projects in Jiangyin Port Area have a total investment of about 1.96 billion yuan. The construction scale is to upgrade the original two 50,000-ton container berths to 200,000-ton container berths, which can satisfy one 200,000-ton container berth and one Two 10,000-ton container ships are berthing at the same time, and the annual design passing capacity has been increased from 800,000 TEUs to 960,000 TEUs. The first phase of the capacity expansion project will be completed in 2023. The construction content of the capacity expansion project mainly includes the construction of the main body of hydraulic engineering, the construction of roads and storage yards, the formation of soft foundation reinforcement in the land area, the purchase and installation of supporting facilities, etc., and the adjustment and construction of corresponding supporting facilities.

Project site of No. 6 and No. 7 berths in Jiangyin Port Area

The No. 6 and No. 7 berth projects in Jiangyin Port Area are also the first automated terminal projects in Fuzhou. The project will realize the mode of remote control operation of terminal frontier equipment, unmanned operation of horizontal transportation equipment and remote control operation of storage yard equipment, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of smart and green ports and the construction of international gateway ports. According to reports, after the completion of the first phase of the capacity expansion project, the 200,000-ton container berth can be put into operation; the second phase is mainly to further improve the degree of automation and achieve the design effect of the overall container passing capacity.

Fuzhou Port includes eight port areas in the Minjiang Estuary, Jiangyin, Songxia, Luoyuan Bay, Pingtan Port Areas in Fuzhou City, and Sanduao, Baima, and Shacheng Port Areas in Ningde City Area. After the capacity expansion project is put into operation, it will fill the gap in the 200,000-ton container berth in Fuzhou Port. Ruan Yinkai, deputy general manager of Fujian Jiangyin International Container Terminal Co., Ltd., said that the No. 6 and No. 7 berths in Jiangyin Port Area are the first 200,000-ton container berths in Fuzhou Port. The No. 5 berth has formed contiguous development and scale effect, and has become the largest single-contiguous container port area in Fujian Province.

In recent years, with the continuous advancement of the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, as one of the core port areas of two collections and two scattered in Fujian Province and the largest single-contiguous container port area in Fujian Province, Fuzhou Port Jiangyin Port Area has always insisted on Pragmatically and diligently, by accelerating the construction of infrastructure, continuously optimizing the business environment, and empowering the construction of smart ports with digital intelligence, the container market has been stabilized, and excellent answers have been delivered against the trend of growth. The absolute leader of the "South Collection" platform. Editor/He Yuting


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