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Sichuan Electricity East Transmission UHV Landed in Chongqing
Seetao 2023-03-13 16:09
  • The project will build 4 new substations, of which the Tongliang substation will invest 2.278 billion yuan
  • After completion, it will efficiently undertake the delivery of clean electricity to Ganzi and other places in western Sichuan
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Recently, the Chongqing section of the Sichuan-Chongqing 1,000-kilovolt UHV project has carried out a basic process pilot, which means that the Chongqing section has fully started construction. According to reports, this UHV project, which landed in Chongqing for the first time, will add new momentum to the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle.

Sichuan-Chongqing 1000 kV UHV AC Project

The relevant person in charge of the State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company introduced that the Sichuan-Chongqing 1,000-kilovolt UHV AC project is a key transmission project clearly defined in the national "14th Five-Year Electricity Development Plan" and included in the "Jointly Building a Twin-City Economic Circle in the Chongqing Region 2023 Major Projects" checklist. The entire project will build four UHV substations in Sichuan Ganzi, Tianfu South, Chengdu East and Chongqing Tongliang, with a transformation capacity of 24 million KVA, and a new double-circuit UHV line of about 657 kilometers, with a total investment of 28.6 billion yuan.

Ma Lei, deputy manager of the power transmission branch of Chongqing Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering Co., Ltd., introduced that the Chongqing section of the project starts from Zhongfeng Village, Xinsheng Town, Tongnan District, and ends at Tongliang 1,000 kV substation, with a path length of 21.077 kilometers. The 41st base of the new iron tower is built on the line, which is also the first UHV line to land in Chongqing.

At present, the Tongliang 1000 kV substation located in Gaobei Village, Shaoyun Town, Tongliang District is in the stage of site leveling and construction. The substation is one of the four 1,000 kV UHV substations of the Sichuan-Chongqing UHV AC Project. It is expected to complete the site leveling construction in April 2023, and then enter the main construction stage. Zheng Fuwen, deputy director of the UHV Substation Center of the Construction Branch of the State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company, said that the new construction of the Tongliang 1000 kV substation covers an area of 263.6 mu, with an investment of 2.278 billion yuan. The most substation construction.

It is understood that the Chongqing section of the Sichuan-Chongqing 1000 kV UHV AC project is the first transmission line project in Chongqing to realize fully mechanized operations. During the construction of the project, all the foundation excavation is carried out with a rotary excavator to form holes, so as to prevent operators from going down into the pit; when pouring concrete, all pouring piles are used to avoid the safety risk of personnel going down into the pit, and to ensure the concrete pouring Quality is the first time that Chongqing Electric Power Engineering has realized that operators do not go into the pit during the whole process of foundation construction.

As the first UHV project in Chongqing, after the Sichuan-Chongqing 1,000-kilovolt UHV AC project is completed and put into use, the main grid voltage level of the Southwest Power Grid will be raised from 500 kV to 1,000 kV, which can effectively undertake the Ganzi, West Sichuan, The clean electricity such as hydropower in the Aba area is sent out to ensure the electricity demand of the Chengdu-Chongqing load center and further promote the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle. Editor/He Yuting


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