Shaanxi Coal Miluo 2x1 million kw coal-fired power generation project started
Seetao 2024-01-06 11:04
  • Its construction scale is planned to build 4×1 million coal-fired generating units, which will be completed in two phases
  • The launch of this project will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the local economy
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Miluo City ushered in major development opportunities, Shaanxi coal Miluo 2×1 million kilowatts coal-fired power generation project has been officially launched. The project is expected to have a total investment of up to 8.536 billion yuan, and it is planned to start construction of the plant in June 2024, with the goal of achieving two-machine production by the end of 2026.

The project is located in Miluo City Baishui town Maoli , as the national "14th Five-Year plan" energy development planning and Hunan Province "14th Five-Year Plan" planning major projects, its construction scale for the planned construction of 4×1 million coal-fired generating units, completed in two phases. The launch of this project will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the local economy.

After the project is put into operation, it is expected to create more than 400 million yuan in tax revenue every year, while providing about 800 jobs. This will strongly promote Miluo City to build Xiangbei energy base, drive the development of surrounding supporting industries, and further promote the employment of local people.

The successful implementation of this project will bring new economic growth points to Miluo City and further promote the prosperity and development of regional economy. Let us look forward to the early completion and production of this project, for the Miluo City's economic and social development into new vitality. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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