Portuguese Ambassador to China praised the Belt and Road Initiative
Seetao 2024-02-21 15:46
  • The Belt and Road will serve as a bridge connecting different countries and make important contributions to global development
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With the continuous advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative, its far-reaching impact is gradually emerging. "The Belt and Road Initiative: Progress, Contributions and Prospects" is a report approved by the Leading Group for Promoting the Belt and Road Construction and issued by the Office of the Leading Group for Promoting the Belt and Road Construction. The report comprehensively expounds the progress of the Belt and Road Initiative in the past few years, its global importance and far-reaching impact, and its future development direction.

Portuguese Ambassador to China Paolo Nascimento said in an interview that the Belt and Road Initiative has great potential and profound meaning, which not only promotes economic cooperation and connectivity, but also deepens cooperation between countries and the international community. This view underscores the importance of the Belt and Road Initiative, revealing its positive impact on global economic and political stability.

First, the Belt and Road Initiative has brought great opportunities for the economic development of countries and regions along the routes by promoting measures such as infrastructure construction, trade facilitation and financial integration. These initiatives have not only raised the living standards of local people, but also strengthened economic ties and interdependence among countries. Secondly, the initiative also focuses on cultural exchanges and mutual learning, promotes understanding and tolerance among different civilizations, and promotes world peace and development. In addition, the Belt and Road Initiative has actively participated in the reform and construction of the global governance system and promoted the building of a more just and reasonable international order.

However, the challenges facing the Belt and Road Initiative cannot be ignored. One of the biggest challenges is how to manage geopolitical risk. Some Western countries are trying to use the Belt and Road Initiative as a means to interfere in other countries' internal affairs and increase regional tensions. Therefore, we need to continue to strengthen international cooperation, jointly combat transnational crimes and terrorist activities, and maintain regional stability and prosperity.

To sum up, the Belt and Road Initiative is a global plan with far-reaching impact, which embodies a high sense of responsibility and mission for the future of mankind. It plays an important role in promoting economic cooperation, promoting the process of globalization and deepening international relations. We believe that with the joint efforts of all countries in the world, the Belt and Road Initiative will continue to show new vitality and vitality and make greater contribution to world peace and development. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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