China aided Zimbabwe medical team held a rotation handover ceremony
Seetao 2024-03-14 15:26
  • This event also demonstrated the excellent quality and professional ability of the Chinese medical team.
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On March 11, in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, the Ministry of health held a grand ceremony for the awarding of medals and the handover ceremony for the 20th and 21st batch of Chinese medical teams to aid Zimbabwe. The event was jointly attended and witnessed by Cheng Yan, charg é d'affaires A.I. of the Chinese Embassy in Zimbabwe, and Douglas monbersaura, Minister of health of Zimbabwe.

On behalf of vice president Chiwenga, monbersaura presented a thank you medal to the Hunan Provincial Health Commission in recognition of the outstanding contributions made by the province in sending medical teams to Tianjin in the past 40 years. At the same time, he also awarded the medal of excellence to all members of the 20th batch of Tianjin medical aid team to recognize their outstanding quality and professional ability in the work of Tianjin assistance. At the ceremony, the Chinese medical team for Zimbabwe braved hardships, crossed the ocean, left their hometown and relatives, and brought advanced diagnosis and treatment technology and concepts to Zimbabwe. Acupuncture and moxibustion, in particular, is deeply loved and welcomed by local residents in Zimbabwe. It not only provides effective treatment for the people, but also allows the Zimbabwean government to re-examine the role and value of traditional therapy. Monbersaura also mentioned that the arrival of the Chinese medical team not only brought the improvement of medical technology to Zimbabwe, but also taught them how to better promote and develop their own traditional therapies. He expressed his sincere gratitude for this and looked forward to more in-depth cooperation between the two sides in the medical field in the future.

Cheng Yan said that the health sector has long been the focus of cooperation between China and Zimbabwe. In the past year, the 20th batch of Tianjin medical aid team has devoted themselves to the work of Harare parirenyatuwa hospital and traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Center, not only providing high-quality medical services for local patients, but also actively promoting advanced medical technology and concepts. In addition, the medical team also went to 10 provinces in Zimbabwe to provide free medical treatment for more patients, showing the spirit of selfless dedication. At the same time, the medical team also paid great attention to the exchange and cooperation with local medical personnel, and provided hundreds of training for more than 1000 local medical personnel, helping them improve their professional skills and medical level. This pragmatic cooperation has not only strengthened the exchanges between China and Tianjin in the field of health, but also injected new vitality into the development of local medical undertakings. Key words: Overseas Engineering, international engineering construction, foreign engineering construction news.

The 21st batch of China's medical aid team arrived in Tianjin on March 7 and will carry out a one-year medical aid work in Tianjin. (this article is from the official website of seetao: It cannot be reproduced without permission. Otherwise, it will be prosecuted. Please indicate the link of seetao + the original text) see the editor of the mechanical column of seetao / zhouyingwen


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