Shanghai Pudong New Area Zhangjiang Cement Plant Project Commences
Seetao 2023-07-19 11:40
  • The total construction area of Zhangjiang Cement Plant is 440000 square meters, with a total investment of over 6.7 billion yuan
  • The implementation of this project will complement the shortcomings of Urban culture and sports functional facilities, and inject new vitality into Zhangjiang's industrial ecology and innovation ecology
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Recently, the key project of the Golden Central Development Zone in Pudong New Area - Zhangjiang Cement Plant Project - Zhangjiang Central Unit 41-13 plot has officially started construction. This project is jointly built by Shanghai Real Estate Group and Zhangjiang Group. After completion, it will become a new benchmark for the construction of Shanghai's urban sub center, a new landmark for urban renewal, and a new engine for high-quality industrial development.

The total construction area of the Zhangjiang Cement Plant project is 440000 square meters, with an aboveground construction area of 300000 square meters and a total investment of over 6.7 billion yuan. It is expected to be completed by 2027. The project consists of a total of 28 buildings, including 1 iconic research and development center with a height of 100 meters, 2 laboratory research and development office buildings with a height of 70 meters, and approximately 20 multi story detached research and development headquarters. At the same time, the project will complement the shortcomings of Urban culture and sports functional facilities, and inject new vitality into Zhangjiang's industrial space, industrial ecology and innovation ecology.

Zhangjiang Cement Factory started in 1971 as the Chuansha Smelter and has been in operation for 46 years. It is located in the sub center of Zhangjiang Science and Technology Innovation City, and is situated across the Chuanyang River, echoing buildings such as the "Science Gate" Twin Towers, Zhangjiang Artificial Intelligence Island, and Zhangjiang Science Hall.

The project design retains its historical style and emphasizes innovative cultural connotations. On the basis of building a new standalone headquarters office and standard tower products, the historical industrial heritage buildings such as silos, joint storage warehouses, kiln tails, and chimneys of the original Zhangjiang Cement Plant have been comprehensively renovated and preserved, retaining both the original style and new functional formats, improving the overall quality. Editor/Zhao E


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