Nuclear power
France and Slovakia sign nuclear power project cooperation
Seetao 2023-09-05 11:17
  • The MOU is the result of bilateral negotiations and detailed technical and commercial discussions
  • The discussions covered the feasibility of building new nuclear facilities and small reactors in Slovakia
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On August 25, 2023, Slovak nuclear decommissioning, dismantling and spent fuel storage company Javys announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with EDF of France on information exchange cooperation for large and small reactors.

Javys Managing Director Pavol Stuller said the MOU was the result of bilateral negotiations and detailed technical and commercial discussions on the feasibility of a new nuclear facility and a small reactor project in Slovakia.

In addition to EDF, Javys has signed two similar agreements with Westinghouse of the United States to cooperate in evaluating the feasibility of deploying the AP1000 and AP300 projects in Slovakia.

Vakisasai Ramany, EDF's senior vice president for new nuclear project development, said the collaboration with Javys is focused on promoting the EPR-1200 reactor and Nuward small reactor technology in Central European countries.

EDF developed the EPR-1200 design primarily to participate in the tender for the construction of a new 1200 MWE-class unit at the Dukovany nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic, while pursuing other export opportunities.

In February 2023, the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) issued a statement saying that the agency was generally satisfied with the safety measures of the EPR-1200 design, but warned that a final ruling on the design would only be made after EDF submitted its first application for a construction permit for the new unit. In addition to the large pile, EDF is also promoting the 380 MWe class Nuward small reactor and expects to begin construction of the first reference plant in early 2030. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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