Deepen China-Malaysia economic and trade cooperation as a new engine
Seetao 2024-03-18 16:06
  • Malaysia-china Kuantan Industrial Park has become a new bridge of cultural exchanges between China and Malaysia
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Malaysia and China have a long history of relations and have enjoyed close ties and friendly exchanges since ancient times. With the progress of The Times and the development of globalization, the cooperation and exchanges between the two countries have been deepening, jointly promoting the economic and social development of the two sides. The Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park, located in the Special economic Zone of the east coast of Malaysia, is the first national industrial park jointly built by China and Malaysia under the two-country two-park model. It moves forward side by side with the China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park in China, and jointly writes a brilliant chapter of China-Malaysia Belt and Road cooperation.

Since its establishment, the industrial park has been dominated by industries such as steel industry, non-ferrous metal industry and machinery manufacturing, bringing together many high-quality enterprises and projects. It has been in operation for ten years, and it has not only injected strong vitality into the local economy, but also created a total industrial output value of more than 8.2 billion US dollars, making a significant contribution to the economic development of Malaysia.

It is worth mentioning that the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park not only creates economic benefits, but also actively undertakes social responsibilities and provides a large number of employment opportunities for local people. So far, the industrial park has created about 5,000 long-term jobs, provided a stable source of income for local residents, and effectively improved their living standards.

In addition, the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park has also become an important platform for cultural exchanges between China and Malaysia. Through close cooperation with the China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park, the two places have not only achieved fruitful results in the economic field, but also made remarkable progress in cultural exchanges. Kuantan City and Qinzhou City have established an international sister city, and the exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in education, culture, tourism and other fields have become increasingly frequent, building a solid bridge for the friendship between the two peoples.

Looking ahead, the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park will continue to give full play to its unique advantages and continuously promote cooperation and exchanges between China and Malaysia in more fields. We firmly believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park will become a shining pearl of China-Malaysia Belt and Road cooperation and make new and greater contributions to the prosperity and development of the two countries and the whole region. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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