Chinese Photovoltaics Contribute Green Energy to Brazil's Energy Transformation
Seetao 2023-08-23 11:28
  • The vast majority of China's incremental exports of photovoltaic module products to the Americas come from Brazil
  • Brazil's renewable energy industry is developing rapidly, and cooperation in the photovoltaic field will become a highlight and new growth point of China Brazil cooperation
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The global market demand for photovoltaic industry is increasing, and China's photovoltaic technology provides important support for the development of green economy in many countries. Recently, over 2000 photovoltaic panels from Chuzhou, Anhui, China traveled across the sea for 45 days and finally arrived at the site of the 155 MW photovoltaic project in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

As soon as the photovoltaic panels landed, Jia Yongjian, the assistant general manager and project manager of China Electric Power Technology Equipment Co., Ltd.'s Brazilian company, was busy checking whether the newly arrived photovoltaic panels were intact. This batch of photovoltaic panels is also the last batch of 290000 photovoltaic panels required for this photovoltaic project. These Chinese made photovoltaic panels have undergone three months of transportation, spanning a distance of 20000 kilometers.

This project is the largest centralized photovoltaic project in local history, and it is of great significance in promoting local energy transformation, alleviating electricity shortages, and solving local employment problems. Jia Yongjian told reporters that the owner, CEMIG, is the fourth largest electricity company in Brazil, and China Electric Equipment Company is the general contractor of the project.

The project includes two centralized photovoltaic power generation general contracting projects, namely 85 MW (DC installed capacity of 100.4 MW) and 70 MW (DC installed capacity of 87.09 MW), covering an area of 138 hectares. The photovoltaic power station will be connected to the power grid through a 138 kV booster station. It is understood that the main equipment for the project, including photovoltaic modules, brackets, and inverters, were purchased from China, driving exports of over 700 million yuan.

After the project is completed, it will bring Chinese brands, technologies, services, equipment, as well as advanced practices and experiences in the new energy industry to Brazil, further enhancing the brand image and corporate recognition of Chinese enterprises in the local power industry in Brazil. Jia Yongjian said that the project has also achieved the breakthrough of CEC in the new energy market in Brazil, and is another specific practice of the State Grid to jointly build the the Belt and Road with high quality.Editor/Ma Xue


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