Luban Workshop: Help the Belt and Road to build the country
Seetao 2023-12-15 15:16
  • Luban Workshop, named after the outstanding craftsmen of ancient China, inherits the spirit of ancient craftsmen
  • Under the Belt and Road Initiative, 27 workshops have been built in Luban and more than 15,000 people have been trained, helping to realize the common aspiration of people of all countries for a better life
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Luban Workshop, named after the outstanding craftsmen of ancient China, carries the advanced scientific and technological innovation results of ancient China and is dedicated to teaching the most practical vocational skills. This project not only embodies the heritage of ancient Chinese craftsmanship, but also showcases the perfect combination of modern technology and practical skills.

Under the promotion of the "Belt and Road" Initiative, Luban Workshop has successfully established 27 in co-built countries, training more than 15,000 people. Through these workshops, we work closely with many cultural and people-to-people exchange programs to promote people-to-people exchanges between countries and help realize the common aspiration of people of all countries for a better life.

These workshops not only teach the latest scientific and technological knowledge, but also aim to develop the vocational skills of local people. In this way, we hope to help them improve their skills and employability, thereby improving their living conditions. At the same time, we also hope that through this form of cooperation, we can promote economic exchanges and cultural communication between countries and further deepen friendship and cooperation between countries.

The project of Luban Workshop has been widely recognized and praised. Our partners speak highly of our work and appreciate our results. They believe that this project not only promotes the development of the local economy, but also improves the living standards of the local people, and is a real project for the benefit of the people.

In the future, we will continue to promote the projects of Luban Workshop to help more people improve their skills and realize their dreams. We believe that through our efforts, we can make greater contributions to the development and prosperity of our country. , Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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