Gansu Wuwei to Zhangye high-speed railway section will be approved
Seetao 2024-02-04 17:32
  • This railway is classified as a high-speed railway, with a total length of about 240 kilometers and a design speed of 250 km/h
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On January 31, 2024, regarding the question of whether the construction of Jinchang South Station will commence in 2024, the Supervision Office of Jinchang Municipal Party Committee replied:

The Wuwei Zhangye Section of Lanzhou Zhangjiakou Third and Fourth Line Railway is mainly invested and constructed by the State Railway Group. It is the traffic artery of the national the Belt and Road and the Silk Road Economic Belt, and also the only "high-speed railway" line connecting Lanzhou, Wuwei, Jinchang, Zhangye and other cities in the western golden economic belt of Gansu Province. It is of great significance to improve the traffic conditions in the Hexi region, accelerate the high-quality development of regional economy, and enhance the people's travel experience.

The Wuwei to Zhangye section of the Lanzhou Zhangjiakou 3-4 line railway

The project road starts from Wuwei East Station on the Zhongchuan to Wuwei section of the Jianlan Zhangsan Fourth Line, passes through Liangzhou District of Wuwei City, Yongchang County and Jinchuan District of Jinchang City, Shandan County and Ganzhou District of Zhangye City, and finally connects to Zhangye West Station of the Lanxin High Speed Railway, with a total length of about 240 kilometers.

The railway grade of this line is high-speed railway, with a design speed of 250km/h. Four new stations have been established, including Zhuwangbao, Jinchangnan, Hongwan, and Shandan North. There are also two connecting stations, Wuwei East and Zhangye West.

For many years, successive provincial and municipal governments have attached great importance to the construction of the Wuwei Zhangye section of the Lanzhou Zhangjiakou Third and Fourth Railway, and have always regarded this project as the "number one project" of Gansu Province and Jinchang City. They have persistently reported and coordinated to the national level, actively assisted China Railway Group and project design units in carrying out preliminary work.

At present, the feasibility study report of the Wuwei to Zhangye section of the Lanzhou Zhangjiakou Third and Fourth Railway is being jointly signed and approved by China Railway Group. The preliminary design report has passed the preliminary review, and the project design unit is synchronously carrying out construction drawing design and other work. The feasibility study report for the front plaza and connecting road project of Jinchang South Station has been prepared, and construction is planned to start simultaneously with the high-speed rail line.

Next, Jinchang City will continue to strengthen the reporting and coordination with China Railway Group, relevant provincial departments, and project design units, actively assist in the preliminary design review, formal land use procedures, land acquisition and demolition, and construction permit stage related work, and strive for China Railway Group to approve the feasibility study report and start construction of the Wuwei to Zhangye section of the Lanzhou Zhangjiakou Third and Fourth Railway in the first half of this year. Editor/Zhao E


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